Wednesday, June 24, 2009

STD Testing

We compare below the actual scientific data and point by point the statements of Mr Le Pen about AIDS and STD and the file released to the press. Nothing could be more dangerous for a politician, that generate about a true public health problem an epidemic of irrational fear and to justify this fear-based measures of purportedly scientific data, but in reality frighteningly false . That is what Mr.

Everything you ever wanted to know about AIDS and STD without ever daring to ask. This does not appear connected as videotext Crystel de la mairie de Chambéry, available at 36-15, plays the Woody Allen of minitel. By hosting the program SANDALWOOD, especially for hemophilia (1) This information service is the seven thousand pages of practical information available to the general public on a scourge that mobilizes health officials and the media.

Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes can be daunting task, since various applications and methods are being used to test for different STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
<a href="">HERPES | STD GENITAL HERPES: STD TESTING</a>: "Medically registered cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common in every city and district of United States."

Monday, June 22, 2009

Here To That The Diabetes Of The Pregnant

"In the current debate mainly from those who do not live or share the life experience of the African woman in countries like Congo there are those who do not want contraception is equivalent to abortion practices, support the pregnancy, or better human life begins only from the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the endometrium of the uterus and not from fertilization. All these debates do more harm to the life of the woman and the child. There is no need to explain at length the concept of reproductive health and abortions, what we really need to take into consideration is the side effects and adverse consequences on women's health made by hormonal contraceptives. It is for the sake of health of people these advocates and debaters should be focusing on providing more economic and realistic means of contraceptives like condoms and stop other social experiments. " by Africa following the suit

Here to that the diabetes of the pregnant women which is growing out of "planned" infringement of a constancy of the STD Genital Herpes internal environment in a parent organism, that is "the planned" illness serves. Thus, in pregnancy the homeostasis deviation is reached at the expense of additional glands - placentae which besides, without being a constant component systems, not included in system of the self-control limiting activity any another of gland by the cybernetic mechanism of a negative feedback. Therefore production of placentary hormones increases practically till the end of pregnancy in parallel increase in the sizes of a placenta. But if the homeostasis deviation really always is a necessary condition of development and organism growth how such deviation after the delivery in development and growth of the child, and then and the adult person is provided? During the early periods of a life healthy children usually make impression " ". Many sculptures of ancient sculptors and a picture of artists have immortalised this feature: children in their image possess pleasant completeness.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ability Of An Organism To Burn Fats Decreases

"The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. The disease can be manifested by painful genital ulcers, but symptoms may also be more moderate, which is why most people are unaware they are infected with the virus and can transmit it further to other people. The said the study published by the WHO, we shall ask for the permission to have it published here. "The virus of genital herpes causes serious consequences such as increased risk of contracting the AIDS virus or the transmission of herpes virus to children at birth, which may cause neurological damage and even cause death, "said Dr. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

Ability of an organism to burn fats decreases with the years. Approximately on 10 for each 10 years. If thus the person does not reduce adequately fat consumption, and usually it does not occur, its weight will accrue inevitably. Increase Genital of cases of fatness at people of an average and advanced age, the fact, well-known to physicians. The basic fabric where there is a fat burning are muscles. At restriction of mobility and physical activity ability of muscles to fat oxidation sharply falls. Probably, in it a principal cause of increase of weight at the sportsmen who have stopped trainings, and as at the persons who have passed to quieter way of life. I already spoke, if the person simply changes apartment from the fifth floor (without the lift) on the first, it because of it it can already add of five kgs for a year. If, certainly, will not change the food. Unfortunately, practice shows that the person is very conservative in a food. And throughout many years, despite varying properties of a metabolism and parametres of a way of life, a food of the person it is supported at former level without essential changes.

Terrible Images, Especially At Night; Cannot Take Out

"By may private accounts, there is an effective antiviral herpes treatment that can reduce the outbreak of herpes and bring it to absolute minimum but only provided they are taken from the very beginning of the outbreaks, hence the importance of identifying the warning signs of a herpes simplex in the form of cold sore and respond immediately. It is alway wise to consult his doctor at the outset of the crisis, to confirm the diagnosis on the type of herpes virus the individual has. It may prescribe the most common and an expensive antiviral like acyclovir or its derivative valacyclovir but also very expensive solution. If this medication will be taken soon at the outset of the crisis, it will be more effective in treating the cause and effect of the outbreak. " by Herpes: preventing the cold sore, you can!

Terrible images, especially at night; cannot take out heat of bed, wishes to run away, leave; quarrels with relatives; complains on associates: Merc-v. Despair concerning soul rescue: Stram; shouts, howls, flies into a rage: ff. Genital Children cry; hands are in random motion: Samb; are depressed, in tears, especially in the evenings: Plat; are haughty and contemptious in relation to another: Plat; are dissatisfied, accuse everything, all world: Merc-v. Propensity to quarrel: Merc-v; wishes to run from the house, at night: Bell, Merc-v, Hyos. Sense organs. Supersensitivity of sense organs: Coff. Unconsciousness: Op; a stupor: Bell; a stupor with internal heat: Op. Faint: n, Coff; a condition of imaginary death, are not felt neither pulse, nor breath, after a heartache from a fright when the grief comes: Lach. Head. Rush of blood to a head: Op, after that: n, even later: Bell; palpation in temples, when a head in low position: Rhus-t; heat in a head: Bell; heat with a stupor: Op; heat with twitchings round a mouth: Op; a pain in a forehead: Op; heavy feeling: Rhus-t.