Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Here To That The Diabetes Of The Pregnant

Here to that the diabetes of the pregnant women which is growing out of "planned" infringement of a constancy of the internal environment in a parent organism, that is "the planned" illness serves. Thus, in pregnancy the homeostasis deviation is reached at the expense of additional glands - placentae which besides, without being a constant component systems, not included in system of the self-control limiting activity any another of gland by the cybernetic mechanism of a negative feedback. Therefore production of placentary hormones increases practically till the end of pregnancy in parallel increase in the sizes of a placenta. But if the homeostasis deviation really always is a necessary condition of development and organism growth how such deviation after the delivery in development and growth of the child, and then and the adult person is provided? During the early periods of a life healthy children usually make impression " ". Many sculptures of ancient sculptors and a picture of artists have immortalised this feature: children in their image possess pleasant completeness.