Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Organism Or Fails Owing To Accumulation Of

The organism or fails owing to accumulation of errors in the work, or becomes vulnerable for influence of numerous external factors - from microbes and viruses to emotional stress and then its �destruction is defined by the sum of the casual reasons always existing at interaction of an organism with sphere of its dwelling. Mutations and accumulation of errors can really matter at formation of many phenomena of ageing. They also play large role in wildlife evolution. Therefore the theories of ageing based on the account of these processes, serve and now as a subject of serious researches. In particular, scientists are occupied with a question why the organisms possessing ability to repair DNA at infringement of its structure, do eventually it worse, than in the blossoming. Ageing theories of "a mutational sort" to some extent answer modern views the physical nature of the world in which much submits to statistically-likelihood laws whereas the strict order of the determined phenomena, characteristic for the classical mechanics, is represented too rough model of that is in wildlife.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

The Structure Of Unicells Does Not Provide Reliable

The structure of unicells does not provide reliable protection at considerable changes of an environment. Accordingly at monocelled the major form of adaptation is variability. Accustoming of microorganisms is based on this property to toxic substances, in particular to antibiotics. If it is possible so to be expressed, the monocelled individualities not allocated with the same degree as higher organisms, adapt at the expense of change of the individuality or by change of properties of all population of organisms at the expense of acquisition of new properties (for example, stability to an antibiotic). On the contrary, at higher organisms individuality preservation is provided with special protective mechanisms that corresponds to a principle of preservation of a homeostasis. These mechanisms carry out the changes necessary for protection, but ability of an organism thus remains again to return to an initial condition when necessity for protection disappears. Though adaptation to damaging factors is carried out at all levels of systems of an organism, since cellular, however for realisation protective reaction at ' higher organisms there is a specialised adaptable system, or adaptable .

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

With - And P-mediatory Are Synthesised From Amino

With - and P-mediatory are synthesised from amino acids, accordingly and . Concentration decrease in With - and P-mediatorov at stress owing to their raised expense also causes increase a threshold. By the way, if such decrease is too expressed that can occur at long stress there is a mental depression. Many know, how after excessive emotional excitation for any period apathy can come. It is a sign of an exhaustion of stocks , the prevention that rest is necessary for the restoration period. Really, with this or that speed substantially depending on congenital force of nervous system, that is from its genetic features, together with from features of a metabolism, there is also a maintenance normalisation in . It means that the threshold of sensitivity and self-control system is restored again starts to work correctly, providing a constancy of the internal environment of an organism. The storm which has been carried by together with stress, calms down: the past is forgotten or nearly so forgotten, if during stress there were no gross infringements in organism activity.