Sunday, June 21, 2009

Ability Of An Organism To Burn Fats Decreases

"The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. The disease can be manifested by painful genital ulcers, but symptoms may also be more moderate, which is why most people are unaware they are infected with the virus and can transmit it further to other people. The said the study published by the WHO, we shall ask for the permission to have it published here. "The virus of genital herpes causes serious consequences such as increased risk of contracting the AIDS virus or the transmission of herpes virus to children at birth, which may cause neurological damage and even cause death, "said Dr. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak

Ability of an organism to burn fats decreases with the years. Approximately on 10 for each 10 years. If thus the person does not reduce adequately fat consumption, and usually it does not occur, its weight will accrue inevitably. Increase Genital of cases of fatness at people of an average and advanced age, the fact, well-known to physicians. The basic fabric where there is a fat burning are muscles. At restriction of mobility and physical activity ability of muscles to fat oxidation sharply falls. Probably, in it a principal cause of increase of weight at the sportsmen who have stopped trainings, and as at the persons who have passed to quieter way of life. I already spoke, if the person simply changes apartment from the fifth floor (without the lift) on the first, it because of it it can already add of five kgs for a year. If, certainly, will not change the food. Unfortunately, practice shows that the person is very conservative in a food. And throughout many years, despite varying properties of a metabolism and parametres of a way of life, a food of the person it is supported at former level without essential changes.

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