Friday, March 6, 2009

To Everyone Peripheral To Gland There Corresponds In

To everyone peripheral to gland there corresponds in a hypophysis a special hormone-regulator. It creates a number of separate systems, for example: a hypophysis - sexual glands, a hypophysis - a thyroid gland, a hypophysis - adrenal glands. But thanks to that that regulation of all these systems becomes isolated at hypophysis level, between systems interaction is carried out. The hypophysis represents, thus, the third level of regulation at higher organisms. Occurrence in the course of evolution of the central regulator - a hypophysis - was the important step in perfection of management by a body. But a hypophysis, regulating a condition glands, "is blind" concerning an external world. This regulator can receive the signals, notifying that occurs in a body, but it has no direct communication with an environment. Meanwhile that environment factors constantly did not break organism ability to live, the body adaptation to varying external conditions should be carried out. About influence of an external world we "learn" through a skin, eyes, organs of smell, hearing and taste.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

At under the influence of the unknown reasons the thyroid gland starts to produce Hashimoto changed gormonalno-inactive -, different from . Getting into blood, they become antigenes and form antibodies against cages of a thyroid gland and . The last - . It leads to infringement - of synthesis normal hormones that causes - increase of secretion of a hypophysis and a thyroid gland. In late stages of disease gland function - is lowered, accumulation in it of iodine goes down. Clinic and diagnostics: Hashimoto arises at women aged is more senior 50 years is more often.