Sunday, July 27, 2008

) Here It Is Necessary To Note One Very

) Here it is necessary to note one very important circumstance again. Fibers are structural and functional elements of cages. Therefore transfer of cellular fibers in sugar is very unprofitable for an organism. Hence, if it is necessary to burn difficult fibers with their numerous properties as simple fuel it is better to take these fibers from such fabrics which are quickly updated in an organism and which, the main thing, do not bear certain structural function so time reduction of weight of this fabric will appear not so damaging. Such fabric are , dispersed in lymphatic glands and in others fabrics - a spleen, a marrow and, at last, as it was found out recently, - a principal organ of cellular immunity. Many know that after strong and long excitement it is easy to be ill - virus disease. It would Seem, what the general between excitement and propensity to an infection? This interrelation is generated by use for maintenance of energy needs of an organism in stress ( . 11). But at the height of stress all these possible consequences in calculation are not accepted.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

It is the most complex to differentiate a toxic diphtheria Yeast Infection from an abscess . In differential diagnostics and a toxic diphtheria drinks it is necessary to pay attention to following features of current and symptoms