Saturday, June 21, 2008

Allocation Should Be Braked The Raised Level ;

Allocation should be braked the raised level ; a hormone of growth and - the raised level in blood of sugar and fat acids. And still simultaneously in blood at stress high concentration as hormones-regulators, and working hormones and power substrata is defined. It was already mentioned that Hans Sele, speaking about increase of activity of a hypophysis, and then and at stress, has not paid attention to that circumstance that activity increase gipotalamo-gipofizarnogo a complex cannot exist is a little long, if there will be no increase of a threshold of sensitivity to braking action of peripheral signals. Differently, if the mechanism providing performance of the law of a deviation of a homeostasis does not join. Physiological value of the mechanism of increase a threshold is very great. At its absence adaptive reaction would be always short-term, it would last so much, how many it is necessary that the mechanism of a negative feedback and system has worked would come to balance. It as we know, does not occur.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

The most expressed effect is observed within the first day or hours of illness thus in cases of the localized forms Yeast Infection of illness unitary introduction can be sufficient. Unfortunately at hypertoxic and forms and also at untimely for 3-rd day of illness and later treatment of toxic forms of a diphtheria quite often is ineffective.