Friday, May 30, 2008

Meanwhile Live Systems Of Organisms Thanks To A

Meanwhile live systems of organisms thanks to a metabolism and receipt of energy from an environment that is as open systems, possess ability temporarily to counteract an interdiction imposed by thermodynamic laws of the nature. But if counteraction to these laws can be carried out at least within specific life expectancy of each individual why all the same its existence is final? Obviously, there should be any special reasons gradually breaking those properties which distinguish the nature of live organisms from all other natural phenomena. When genetics laws have been opened, and then structural bases of the genes constructed at higher organisms from difficult molecules of a deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) became clear, many scientific steels to consider that casual or something the caused errors in DNA structure, so-called mutations, collecting, and then gradually being reproduced in the course of cellular division or work of cages, conduct to "accident of accumulation of errors". In this situation organism work will be disorganised, as corresponds to physiological ageing.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Patients hypertoxic and appoint toxic forms of diphtheria irrespective of results of definition of sensitivity Yeast Infection to to fiber but in cases of a sensitization whey enter on a background of a complex of the actions warning development in particular a shock.

At the localized and widespread forms of diphtheria enter 1 time into day intramuscularly at the subtoxic form – twice day with an interval 12 .