Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Concentration Of A Hormone-regulator Again Will Increase -

Concentration of a hormone-regulator again will increase - activity of working gland again will amplify. So balance is supported. The mutual relation described here at which the working hormone brakes the regulator, represents a typical example of the mechanism of a negative feedback. In this cybernetic concept "negative" designates a word that the regulator is braked by action of the peripheral factor (or a signal), in this case a working hormone whereas removal of "negative", braking influence leads to stimulation of a peripheral link of system - working glands. In it the inner meaning, an essence of the mechanism of a negative feedback also consists. The similar principle of regulation is put in any self-regulated system, for example even in the thermostat. In it there is an energy source which in this system is similar to working gland And. And just as working gland develops the working hormone, this source allocates warmth. Gland-regulator role carries out here the relay - the contact thermometer.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

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