Monday, December 24, 2007

To Consider, How All It Becomes, It Is

To consider, how all it becomes, it is necessary to remind that cybernetic principle on which stability maintenance in system, whether it be the simple thermostat or difficult system of a live organism is based. Stability in any system is supported thanks to the mechanism of a negative feedback. We will consider, how this mechanism functions. Let's imagine conditionally gland And which allocates in blood the specific hormone a1 (fig. 2). This hormone has an effect on cages sensitive to it in corresponding fabrics (fabrics-targets) and consequently can be designated as a working hormone. We will present a situation in which the expense of a working hormone has increased and as a result its maintenance in blood has decreased. For restoration of a constancy of the internal environment activity of gland of A.Chto thus should amplify occurs? Gland Instead of exists in an organism separately, it is in certain system of mutual relations under the control of the regulator - we name B.Snizhenie's its gland of concentration of a working hormone a1 this gland-regulator perceives.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

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