Friday, September 7, 2007

In Norm When The Maintenance Of A Working

In norm when the maintenance of a working hormone in blood is constant, gland is quiet: receptors-aerials of its cages to necessary degree are sated by hormone 1. Now, when concentration of a hormone a1 has decreased, partially these the recipe are released from a working hormone. Braking influence of a working hormone on development by gland a hormone supervising activity of gland And stops. Therefore gland Would send to gland And the envoy - hormone 1 which stimulates to activity hormone A.Produktsija's gland a1 increases. When concentration of working hormone 1 will increase to norm, it fills necessary number of free receptors-aerials on a membrane of cages of regulating gland of B.Voznikaet a signal that it is time to cease to stimulate gland And as the constancy of the internal environment (in this case concentration of a hormone a1 in blood) is restored to work. As a result stimulation of working gland by a regulator decreases and established balance. When again there will be a level decrease in blood of a working hormone, gland-regulator braking will stop.

1 comment:

Infection Yeast Herpes said...

Yeast Infection : At sharply expressed hypostasis adjoin almost not leaving a gleam. Strikes in the beginning in the form of gentle networks or a film are easily removed but on the same place quickly arise again. On 2—3- day of illness strikes thick is dirty-grey color completely cover a surface pass on the handle small the soft and firm sky. drinks by this time decreases has a cyanotic shade and the hypostasis increases. Language is imposed lips dry cracked from a mouth a specific is sweetish-luscious smell breath is complicated noisy rattling a voice with a shade.