Wednesday, June 13, 2007

So, Development From A Unicell To Multicellular Specialised

So, development from a unicell to multicellular specialised organisms is not simply quantitative transition from one cage to set of cages. It is qualitatively new transition from a life of "one" to a system life. In this process there was a submission of a life of the metaphyte allocated stabilising with systems, as to the general laws of work of any other control systems, and the special requirements defined by the law of a deviation of a homeostasis. Occurrence in the course of evolution of higher organisms with their spontaneous systems has limited influence of the factors causing death from the external reasons. It has made possible perfection of forms of a life. But simultaneously realisation of the law of a deviation of a homeostasis finally leads to the illnesses not compatible to unlimited continuation of a life of a separate individual. As a result dominating value was got by death from the internal reasons. Without intervention in these biological laws the basic illnesses of higher organisms, for these illnesses - heavy, but quite comprehensible payment for the perfection reached in the course of evolution cannot be completely eliminated.

1 comment:

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